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Leg Tesla Plate Sunny Triangle man with antebacterical varnish - Made in Italy
Packaging Leg Tesla Plate Triangle man with antebacterical varnish - Made in Italy

Triangle man LEG SUNNY Antibacterical Tesla Purple Plate


Triangle man LEG SUNNY Tesla Purple Plate – side 4.5 cm (1.77 in)

LEG Tesla Purple TRIANGLE MAN is 4,5 cm for side and the shape is an exclusive our international production; is painted with a special and elegant glittered varnish.

This is a new and exlusive international production: is painted with a special and elegant glittered varnish and with a second level of antibacterical varnish with silver. See description below…

SKU: 9500000087830

Product Description

The TRIANGLES are esoteric symbols, see this article

Tesla Purple Plate TRIANGLE MAN is 4,5 cm is a new and our special shape; worn around the neck in most cases, although users often place it on acupunctural points on the body (painful areas) and in that way achieve the effect of Chinese traditional medicine.

It can be also put underneat glass of water to energize it. It is important to be worn as much as possible, cause it speeds up spiritual growth. Feel good with our Triangle for woman of Tesla Purple Plate.
Made in Italy, our plates are produced by our supplier with an esperience of +30 years. This serie SUNNY is varnished with 2 levels of varnishes; the first level is the purple color with inox glitter; the second level is a italian alimentary transparent varnish with powder of silver for an antibacterical effect: it’s a special worldwide exclusive. Beware of imitations.


Life Energy Generator

walking on energy

The wire may is in black color and pure cotton made in Italy.
With the item: english user guide, aluminium hologram L.E.G on the package and L.E.G. brand printed to impression on the plate:

LEG certification

LEG certification

Beware of imitations.